Frequently Asked Questions


Where Did You Receive Your Certification?

I am certified through the Family Sleep Institute. I completed a comprehensive evidence-based course spanning over 250+ hours. I also have access to continuing education and all the latest research to keep up-to-date and maintain my certification to best serve the families I work with. I am also a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants and the Child Sleep Society.

How Does The Process Work?

I look at the whole picture around your child’s sleep. Everything is taken into account, including their sleep environment, timing of sleep, feeds, your child’s age, daily routine, temperament, and your parenting style. I will then guide you through each approach that can help your child to sleep better if there are very strong sleep associations in place and explore what you feel most comfortable with and what will work best for your child. We work as a team to find the solutions that will work best for your family as a whole, and I am there then to guide and support you as you make the necessary changes. All I ask is that is that you maintain open and honest communication with me and remain consistent in order to get the most out of our time working together.

How Quickly Will I See Changes?

You will usually see improvements with your child’s sleep within the first week. However, it does take time for everything to become fully settled so I provide guidance and support for up to three weeks with my 1:1 Sleep Solution to leave you feeling fully empowered and confident moving forward. I aim to educate families as much as possible so that you fully understand what’s happening around your child’s sleep and why, and are well-prepared to deal with your child’s future sleep milestones.

What Locations Do You Serve?

I primarily serve families in Ireland, but can help you wherever you are in the world! If you live within my locality near Carrickmacross, I am happy to do an in-home consultation if that’s what you prefer. If you are further afield or abroad, we can meet through a virtual consultation.

How Do I Get Started?

Click on the button below to contact me and I will get back to you within 24 hours.